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Splitting columns in R with the separate() command
How to split a column in R using tidyr's separate: Giving taxonomic ranks their own column (CC033)
R programming tutorial: separate() of Dplyr in R to Divide a Single Column into Multiple Columns
Separate and Unite - manipulate your data with R programming
How to Split a Date-Time Column into Separate Variables in R (Example) | as.Date, format, as.POSIXct
Split Data Frame in R (3 Examples) | Divide (Randomly) by Row & Column | rbinom, nrow & c Functions
How to Split a Column into Multiple Columns in R | Stringr library | RStudio
Separate Function in R - How to Separate One Column into Two Variables
R : Split a column into 2 in R
Combining columns in R with unite()
Split a Data Frame in R using a Factor. See a Practical use case of splitting data.
R : regex -- split one column into multiple columns with no explicit delimiters in R